What is the daily amount of omega 3 fatty acids for a healthy diet?

They recommend at least 250-500 mg of EPA and DHA daily for healthy adults. Dosage depends on age, sex, pregnancy, training, body weight, etc. Most experts still tend to a total of 800-1000 mg for people who do not eat oily sea fish 2-3 times a week.

Which healthy foods contain omega-3s?

ALA acid is found in plant foods (flax, chia, nuts, sprouts, soybeans) and is mostly used by the body for energy, not for the functions described above. To do all those functions, you need to turn it into DHA or EPA. Therefore, it is completely wrong to say that we can get the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids from flax or chia, because they will be very small compared to algae or fish. Are you an Indian or a native of Asian countries, as they have a slightly higher ability to convert ALA. Flax, chia, crude oils, sprouts and similar foods are worth eating, just emphasize that this is more about the balance of omega-3-6-9 in the diet, not about the sources of DHA and EPA / Vegetarians and vegans are better off taking supplements of algae, not based on flaxseed.

How to take fish oil in capsules?

The benefits of omega-3 for the body will be when the doctor correctly determines the daily dose of pills, schedule and duration of administration.

Is it better to eat fish and seaweed or drink supplements?

When it comes to cardiovascular health, research shows that omega-3 fatty acids are better absorbed from food! But if you do not eat 2-3 servings of oily fish per week (mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, cod, sardines), you should take supplements. Omega-3s in healthy food are good for women in terms of prevention of cardiovascular disease, help reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression and infertility. Studies also show that women who take omega-3s regularly experience less menstrual pain. The benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids for women, especially during pregnancy and the postpartum period, have many benefits, whether they are in the diet with seafood and fish or through supplements such as fish fat.